16 November 2020

Mélanie Boissoneau

27 November 2020

Louis Cacciuttolo

27 November 2020

Philippe Collin

27 November 2020

Dominique Fouassier

16 November 2020

Orlane Glises

30 November 2020

Aurélien Laureau

16 November 2020

Yola Le Caïnec

30 November 2020

Clément Léotard

27 November 2020

Camille Lopato

31 August 2017

Frederic Burgun

Frédéric, who has always had a passion for creating images, studied cinema and began a career as an assistant director in Paris before turning to documentary production at Bix Films. Together with other professionals, he set up Red Revolver in 2015, which produces short content for the web and television, for example Studio Plus and the regional channel Alsace 20.
31 August 2017

Michaël Gojon-dit-Martin

Cet alsacien pur jus est à la tête depuis 1998 de Ciné Régie, une société spécialisée dans la fourniture d’armes et de costumes pour le cinéma et qui figure parmi les leaders dans le domaine. Parallèlement, Michaël Gojon-dit-Martin dirige une boîte de production audiovisuelle, une de location de costumes pour les particuliers et une autre dévolue aux effets spéciaux.
31 August 2017

Michel Woch

Michel Woch is a cameraman by training and began his career in television. He tried his hand as an assistant director and production manager before turning to TV and cinema fiction, where he worked as a director and assistant director. Since 2010, he has shared his audiovisual and cinema expertise with the Bureau d’accueil des tournages Grand Est.
31 August 2017

Mike Hostench

Deputy director of the Sitges International Fantastic Film Festival of Catalonia since 1992, Mike Hostench is also active in scriptwriting, film production and distribution. Author of four books on Asian and horror cinema, he writes for film journals and websites and has written more than 30 booklets for DVDs and BluRay collector's editions for American and Catalonian prestige labels.
31 August 2017

Estelle Nothoff

Estelle has been a film director since 2007. With her walkie-talkie on her belt and telephone in her hand, she’s in charge of organising feature-length films, TV films or advertising spots shot in Alsace or elsewhere. She experiences every shoot as a new adventure, which gives her job a “Mission Impossible” aspect, something she rather likes. Perseverance and being in a good mood are her watchwords.
5 September 2018

Mike Hostench

Deputy Director of the Sitges International Fantastic Film Festival of Catalonia since 1992, Mike Hostench is also active in scriptwriting, film production and distribution. Author of four books on cinema, he is a frequent contributor to film journals and websites. He's written more than 30 booklets for DVDs and Blu-Ray collector's editions for American and Catalonian prestige labels.