A cynical and quirky Australian crime movie, Brothers’ Nest focuses on one day in the lives of two would-be criminals. Two middle-aged brothers reach a remote house where they grew up and which their stepfather is due to inherit shortly. They intend to kill their mother’s husband and have devised a foolproof plan. However, the perfect crime begins to unravel when details of their hidden motives emerge and their conscience takes over.

Clayton Jacobson’s new feature shares the Coen brothers taste for melancholy and fascination with a certain form of inevitability, here, a relentless and unstoppable criminal machination.


Country: Australia

Year: 2018

Runtime: 1hr37

Version: in English, subtitled in French

Cast & Credits

Director: Clayton Jacobson

Producer: Jason Byrne

Scenario:  Jaime Browne

Cinematography: Peter Falk Acs

Editor: Sean Lander, Clayton Jacobson

Music: Richard Pleasance

Actors: Shane Jacobson, Clayton Jacobson, Kim Gyngell