Calvaire - poster

Selected filmography

2019  Adoration

2014  Alleluia

2008  Vinyan

A crooner, whose car has broken down in the middle of a forest, is kidnapped by a man who believes him to be the reincarnation of his ex-wife. Du Welz’s first feature film and the first instalment in his Ardennes trilogy, Calvaire is a surrealist and nightmarish work inspired by various influences, on the fringes of films by André Belvaux and Tobe Hooper. From the outset, du Welz provokes strong reactions and maintains a high level of intensity throughout his film. A passionate and free-spirited filmmaker, he has also made bold and unexpected casting choices by bringing together highly-talented but different types of actors such as Laurent Lucas, Philippe Nahon and icon Brigitte Lahaie.

Friday, 18 September, 3:45 at the St Ex

Saturday, 19 September, 8pm at the Star

Technical information

Country: Belgique, France, Luxembourg

Year: 2004

Runtime: 1hr28

Language:  French


Director: Fabrice du Welz

Producers: Vincent Tavier, Michael Gentile, Eddy Geradon Luyckx

Scenario: Fabrice du Welz, Romain Protat

Actors: Laurent Lucas, Jackie Berroyer, Philippe Nahon, Brigitte Lahaie