Exposition from the 16th to the 24th september at the CAUE
17th, 18th et 24th september : Watercolors exposition (by Laurent Gonel, trekkie illustrator)

Created by Gene Roddenberry, the Star Trek series will be celebrating the 50th anniversary of its rst TV broadcast in September. The fact that the date coincides with the Festival and the arrival on our screens of the 13th Star Trek cinema film, Star Trek Beyond, will give us an opportunity to return to the six TV series, 29 seasons and 726 episodes of this universal saga.

Courtesy of the collections of Francis and Dominique Delozé, Laurent Gonel, Denis Scheer and Audrey Ferrah, you’re invited to travel through in nite space on the spaceship Enterprise’s voyage to the nal frontier. Scale models, posters, costumes, gurines, everyday or unusual objects – relive its mission and explore strange new worlds, seek out new life and new civilisations and boldly go where no man has gone before …

Mr Spock to Enterprise: “Transporter room ready to beam up!”