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We Will Live Again looks at the Cryonics Institute and its care takers who watch over 99 deceased human bodies, called “patients” – all waiting to be awakened in a time when they can be rejuvenated and cured. At death, bodies are packed in dry ice to stop the dying process, and then put in to cooling boxes at below freezing temperatures before being suspended in cryopreservation containers. Robert Ettinger founded the institute to pursue his childhood dream of a world where aging could be stopped and disease cured – “Everybody wants to go to heaven, but nobody’s in a hurry to get there”. He died at age 92 and awaits a gentler future at the institute
Country: USA
Date: 2013
Duration: 12′
Version: English, with French subtitles
Director: Myles Kane and Josh Koury
Producer: Trisha Barkman
Cinematography: Myles Kane and Josh Koury
Editing: Myles Kane and Josh Koury
Music: Myles Kane
Cast: Ben Best, Andrew Zawacki, Robert Ettinger
Le métier de bruiteur ne nécessite pas seulement un sens artistique aigu. DAS MÄDCHEN IM SCHNEE nous démontre que lorsqu’il s’agit de reproduire certaines sonorités, la réalité dépasse toujours la fiction
Pays : Switzerland
Année : 2018
Durée : 7′
Réalisation : Dennis Ledergerber
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