In their small town, the Parkers are known for their discretion and reclusiveness. Behind closed doors, the father, Frank rules his family with a firm severity. Following the brutal and unexpected death of their mother, teenage daughters Iris and Rose need to look after their younger brother Rory.Soon though, they must carry even more weight as they are faced with new responsibilities. At their father’s command, they must continue a macabre ancestral tradition at all costs. Jim Mickle has produced are make of Somos lo que hay and given us an aesthetic and caustic horror film on religious obscurantism. Selected at the Directors’ Fortnight.
Country: USA
Date: 2013
Duration: 1hr 46
Version: English, with French subtitles
Director: Jim Mickle
Producer: Rodrigo Bellott, Andrew Crokin, Nicolas Shumaker, Jack Turner
Screenplay: Nick Damici, Jim Mickle
Cinematography: Ryan SamulCinematography
Editing: Jim Mickle
Music: Jeff Grace, Phil Mossman
Cast : Bill Sage, Ambyr Childers, Odeya Rush, Kelly McGillis