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John burns a body unbeknown to anyone, removes all traces of his crime and returns home. His nephew Ben, alone, anonymous and devoted to his job in a big town, nally meets a woman he would like to introduce to his uncle John. Steven Piet focuses entirely on dualities: rural rancour and a city dweller’s hopes, a vicious crime and a story of burgeoning love.
Uncle John is the product of two lms about the two faces of America. Two films that come together and intertwine to form a poignant family chronicle combined with a crime story that peels away its protagonist’s semblance of normality. Uncle John will keep you guessing and return to haunt you when you least expect it.
Country: USA
Year: 2015
Duration: 1hr 53
Version: English, with French subtitles
Rating: 12+
Director: Steve Piet
Producer: Erik Crary
Screenplay: Steve Piet, Erik Crary
Cinematography: Mike Bove
Editing: W.T. O’Brien
Music: Shawn Sutta, Adam Robl
Cast: John Ashton, Alex Moffat, Jenna Lyng