Imagine a sketch-based film, an anthology of horror, directed by Joe Dante, father of the Gremlins, Mick Garris, the creator of Masters of Horror, the talented David Slade and Alejandro Brugues, or Ryuhei Kitamura, the leading Japanese gore director. Imagine then that the thread running through these different segments is no other than Mickey Rourke in the projection room of a run-down cinema.

Strangers walk past a cinema, go in for a moment and find themselves projected onto the screen in terrifying scenarios. Nightmare Cinema is a film buff’s fantasy with a succession of murders staged by legendary directors. Above all, it the quintessential symbol of the midnight movie.


Country: USA

Year: 2018

Duration: 1hr 58

Version: English, with French subtitles

Rating: 16+

Cast & Credits

Director: Alejandro Brugues, Joe Dante, Mick Garris, Ryuhei Kitamura, David Slade…

Producer: Mick Garris, Courtney Solomon, Mark Canton…

Scenario: Mick Garris, Alejandro Brugues, Sandra Becerril

Cinematographer: Andrew Russo, Mathias Schubert, Jo Willems…

Editor: Mike Mendez, Tony Kearns

Cast: Mickey Rourke, Sarah Withers, Faly Rakotohavana