Tuesday 26  September – Place du Château

Opening 18:00, screening at 20:30

Free entrance – Food truck on location


 Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom by Steven Spielberg


Pursued by mobsters in Shanghai, Indiana Jones manages to escape in a makeshift plane, accompanied by singer Willie Scott and the young Half-Moon. After a crash landing, they find themselves somewhere deep in India, in a poverty-stricken village where all the children have disappeared. The adventurous archaeologist soon discovers that the disappearance of a sacred stone is the cause of the village’s misfortunes.

This second instalment in the saga, produced by George Lucas, is undoubtedly both the darkest and the most popular with Indiana Jones fans. Still in serial narrative mode, this opus is a veritable ghost train hurtling through the depths of mystical and mysterious India. A treat to be savoured in the open air with a monkey-brain sorbet.