Jaws 2, Christine Drive-in and Indiana Jones
To celebrate its 10th anniversary, the Festival will be treating you to unparalleled movie experiences with three exclusive outdoor screenings.
Jaws 2, 17 September
After the buzz of Jaws at the Municipal Baths last year, the Festival continues in the same vein. If you liked that experience, then you’ll love Jaws 2 at the Bassin d’Austerlitz, so come and enjoy a new aquatic experience with an open-air screening of this Jeannot Szwarc movie
Sunday, 17 September
Open to all, admission free
Venue open to the public at 6pm
Film commences at 8.30pm
Drive-In Christine, 18 September
As another new feature of this 10th edition, the Festival will be holding two drive-in screenings on the roof of the Place des Halles car park. On the programme is John Carpenter’s Christine, which will provide a spine-tingling immersion into the drive-in world with a retro 1950s America atmosphere – popcorn, hot dogs, vintage cars and polka dot dresses.
No need to bring your own car: they’ll be provided by Citiz for everyone.
Monday 18 September
Halles P3 car park
Full ticket price €7* / Reduced rate €5**
Admission of the public at: 6.30pm and 10.20pm
1st screening: 8.30pm
2nd screening: 10.45pm
Indiana Jones, 20 September
Finally, there will be the traditional open-air screening at the foot of the Cathedral, this year featuring Steven Spielberg’s cult film Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark. After the tremendous success of Jurassic Park last year, get your lassos ready!
Wednesday, 20 September
Open to all, admission free
Venue open to the public at 6pm
Film commences at 8.30pm
* Box office open from 30 August
List of ticket outlets by region at fnacspectacle.com, as well as www.fnac.com / www.carrefour.fr / www.francebillet.com
** Persons entitled to the reduced rate on presentation of a supporting document before the screening:
Festival Pass / Students / Senior citizens / Persons under 18 / Jobseekers / RSA recipients / Disabled card holders