Plunge into the grimey milieu Crime, Italian style on Thursday 27 February.
The evening will kick off at 8pm with Caliber 9, a wild walk into Mafia territory, in the lower depths of 1970s Milan. Missing money and murder abound in this atmosphere-drenched poliziottesco. Followed by Mario Bava’s Rabid Dogs, where the habitual game of cops and robbers (yawn) is transformed into a master class of suspense and violence. You’ll be surprised: Caliber 9 is very un-Bava in style, and the most singular work in his canon. Crime pays at least for the pleasure of cinephiles.
Intermission will be packed with live entertainment, plus our usual candy girls and boys selling their refreshments divine.
Click here for detailed information.
Organised jointly with the Star cinemas, with support from the Grand Est Region.