Justin Denton’s latest creation Burlap is a two-pronged horror experience: a 2D short film, followed by its companion piece, a lm in VR. First, you’ll journey inside the mind of a lonely and desperate serial killer as he follows his impulses and stalks an unlucky babysitter. His disturbed mind dreams of completing the masterpiece locked up in his garage. A brutal, stylish tale of sickness and survival, told with the stark simplicity of an old camp re tale.
Then, you’ll strap on you headset and step into the story, in breathtaking VR. The Burlap VR experience is much more than just a 360o film. At the beginning you’re dropped directly in front of the killer inside his lair. But as the scene comes to a climax, you’ll discover the horrifying impact of real-time, 3D facial scanning technology and realise that you, as your real self, have become the killer’s latest victim.
Developers: Dark Corner – www.darkcornerstudios.com