
Selected filmography

2016 Turbo Killer

2011 Kaydara

In outer space, Vascan and Lago are tracking vessels whose AI has malfunctioned. They kill Mima on the planet Apus 7 but a young woman emerges from the smoking remains. A chase across the universe then ensues in order to establish the nature of this new ghostly entity.

Known for his penchant for occult images and 1980s B movies, Carpenter Brut, a stalwart of French synthwave, joined forces in 2016 with the Seth Ickerman duo for the Turbo Killer clip. Between fast-paced action and fluorescent sensuality, Blood Machines transports its audience with decidedly demonic energy.

Sunday, 15 September, 00:30am at the St Ex

Monday, 16 September, 10:15pm at the Vox

Sunday, 22 September, 10:15 at the Star


Country: France, USA

Year: 2019

Runtime: 0h50

Version: in English, subtitled in French

Rating: 12+

Cast & Credits

Director: Seth Ickerman

Producer: Frederic Fiore, Yannick Bossenmeyer, Alexis Perrin

Scenario: Seth Ickerman

Cast: Anders Heinrichsen, Elisa Lasowski, Joëlle Bercksmans