Masterclass by Anne-Dominique Toussaint

Producers play a crucial role in cinema, from conception to distribution. It’s also the producer’s job to co-ordinate the financial, artistic and logistical aspects of a film, ensuring that budgets and deadlines are met. Working with the various teams, from production to production-management, they ensure that the authors’ creative vision is respected.

Producer Anne-Dominique Toussaint founded her first company, Les Films des Tournelles, in 1990 and subsequently produced more than 30 films. Her filmography includes several début features, among which such critical and commercial successes as The Cost of Living (Philippe Le Guay, 2003), The Moustache(Emmanuel Carrère, 2005), The French Kissers (Riad Sattouf, 2009) and Capernaum (Nadine Labaki, 2018).

Thursday, Sept. 26th from 09:30 to 11:30 – Vox

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For students in priority